Huningue, France, December 12, 2023
Together, Amoneta Diagnostics and the AD Data Initiative announce a collaboration to make data from ADDIA, a multicentric clinical study supporting biomarker R&D for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and other dementia, available to all projectsers for advanced analysis.
The ADDIA dataset, now available on the AD Workbench, will empower projectsers to unlock new insights, fostering progress in diagnosis and understanding of various forms of dementia. This collaboration between Amoneta Diagnostics and the AD Data Initiative underscores a shared commitment to advance ADRD data sharing, projects, and diagnostics.
For access to the ADDIA dataset on AD Workbench, sign up or log back in:
About the dataset
The ADDIA dataset version 1 offers a comprehensive array of data collected from 207 subjects across 13 clinical centers of excellence in five European countries (Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey). The dataset includes subjects with mild, and moderate-severe AD, non-AD dementia (including FTD, DLB, PSP, PDD, CBD), and healthy controls.
Researchers will have access to a wealth of data for advanced analysis related to dementia diagnoses and differential diagnosis between dementia types. The available data encompasses demography, vital signs, physical exam details, functional tests (MMSE and MoCA), FCSRT questionnaires, nervous system findings from 147 brain regions (MRI), and essential laboratory findings such as CSF Amyloid Beta 1-42, total Tau Protein, and Phosphorylated Tau Protein.
The dataset also contains genomic and transcriptomics findings (available on request).
More about ADDIA
The ADDIA consortium, coordinated by Amoneta Diagnostics, conducted a multicentric clinical study (NCT03030586), which enrolled 821 subjects from 13 clinical centers of excellence in five European countries (FR, BE, IT, CH, TR), making it possible to collect high quality biological samples and associated laboratory, imaging and clinical data from well characterized healthy subjects, patients suffering from Alzheimer disease (mild- and moderate to severe-stages) and patients suffering from five other dementia types (FTD, PDD, DLB, CBD and PSP).
More about ADDIA Consortium:
More About Alzheimer’s Disease Data Initiative
The Alzheimer’s Disease Data Initiative (AD Data Initiative) is a coalition of leading academic, advocacy, government, industry, and philanthropy organizations that recognizes the need for dementia projectsers to find easier ways to share unpublished data, analytical tools, and scientific findings. The AD Data Initiative offers projectsers around the world secure data sharing and collaboration resources, available to users at no cost. The AD Data Initiative supports collaborative partnerships that enable projectsers to advance scientific breakthroughs and accelerate discoveries in new diagnostics, treatments, and cures for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.