NeuroDeGene® : DNA-targeted sequencing panel for the detection of SNPs and INDELS associated with NDs.
Neurodegenerative Diseases are multifactorial complex disorders with genetics playing a crucial role in their development.
The challenge of their early detection and precise diagnosis is ever more pressing. Traditional diagnostic methods are often invasive, such as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sampling, or costly, such as PET scans.
Thus, the demand for a less invasive, blood-based test that can accurately diagnose Neurodegenerative Diseases early, aid in drug development, and inform treatment choices is significant.
NeuroDeGene® is a solution to this challenge, offering an innovative genetic panel aimed at the early detection and prognosis of various Neurodegenerative Diseases.
This panel taps into the genetic architecture underlying Neurodegenerative Diseases while also meeting the critical need for less invasive diagnostic approaches.
The NeuroDeGene® panel is a DNA-targeted sequencing kit developed in partnership with Celemics, Inc., transforming the diagnosis and management of Neurodegenerative Diseases, by identifying Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms and INDELs linked to these conditions.
It creates predictive models for diseases that are historically difficult to diagnose by leveraging cutting-edge sequencing technologies, bioinformatics pipelines, and machine learning.
It provides significant benefits for diagnosing and prognosticating Neurodegenerative Diseases, supporting clinical projects, and leading to individualized treatment plans.
It includes over 15,000 variants across 19 diseases, focusing particularly on non-coding variants, which make up about 70% of the panel and are crucial to disease development.
variants across 19 diseases
good quality genotypes
Simplified workflow

An innovative precision medicine tool for risk prediction of 19 NDs
NeuroDeGene® stands as an invaluable tool for Neurodegenerative Disease diagnosis, prognostic applications and for supporting clinical trials.
- Integration of AI, machine learning and genetic analysis to develop specialized models to predict pathogenicity of genetic variants
- Automatized bioinformatics platform, allowing the evolution of the panel according to accumulated clinical and genotyping information
- Panel covering essential genes, but also many non-coding regions, often overlooked
We are committed to improve disease outcome, therapeutic decisions and generate savings in healthcare
through biomarker discovery, development and regulatory qualification.