
APO-Easy®: CE-IVDR Genotyping kit for the determination of two APOE SNPs related to AD.

accuracy rate

Exhibiting outstanding analytical performance with perfect reproducibility and repeatability.

reduction in master mix volume

yet the reliability is maintained demonstrating its robustness


to complete the entire process

limit of detection

ensuring sensitivity in detecting target genetic material.

Streamlined Process


Genomic DNA (gDNA) extraction from whole human blood, saliva and buccal swab


PCR amplification and fluorogenic detection of APOE mutations using QS™ 5 Dx RT-PCR System and CFX Opus 96 Dx RT-PCR System


Sample result analysis and interpretation.

Less than 2 hours to complete the entire process

*When extracted DNA is used

The CE-IVDR APO-Easy® Genotyping kit offers ease of use through its straightforward protocol and inclusion of premixed solutions.
It empowers you with the means necessary to obtain swift and accurate results, enabling you to make more informed medical decisions as a professional for patients with neurodegenerative conditions. For a visual demonstration, watch our video detailing the protocol.

Access the detailed Instructions for Use (IFU) for APO-Easy®

Genotyping Method Comparison

Alzheimer’s Disease genotyping involves identifying genetic variations, using molecular biology techniques such as PCR, Sanger sequencing, and Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). Method selection depends on study goals, scale, cost, and desired resolution.

Sanger sequencing : Moderate

NGS : High

PCR genotyping : Low to moderate

Sanger sequencing : Days

NGS : Days to weeks

PCR genotyping : Hours

Sanger sequencing : Low

NGS : High

PCR genotyping : Moderate to high

Key Assay Parameters


Kit storage

The kit can be stored at -20°C for 6 months, ongoing stability studies will determine its long-term stability.

Operating time

The procedure comprises two phases:
30 minutes for plate preparation and 1 hour and 29 minutes for the PCR cycle.

Sample storage

PAXgene® Blood DNA Tube Samples are stable for 14 days in RT, 28 days between 2-8°C, and 12 months at -20°C (up to 3 FTCs).

Assay validation

Validated on the QuantStudio 5 Dx Real-Time PCR system and is currently undergoing validation on the Bio-Rad CFX Opus.

We are committed to improving disease outcome, therapeutic decisions and generate savings in healthcare

through biomarker discovery, development and regulatory qualification.